
Since our first meeting in 2005 I have enjoyed engaging in conversations with Shane regarding many of the ideas presented in Know Stealing. It has been exciting to watch him shape and refine them. Reading this book has given me the opportunity to consider again, in an integrated and comprehensive way, many of the ideas we explored in conversation.

The author’s productive work presented here is scholarly and of the highest quality. More importantly, the ideas presented here have been refined in the crucible of passion. The author's passion for discovering, understanding, and sharing the truth about money sets this book apart from many others which deal with the same subject. Truth seekers who read and study the ideas and arguments captured in these pages will not be disappointed.

Money is one of the most pervasive ingredients in modern life. At the same time, money is one of the most misunderstood concepts of modern life. Definitions and discussions of macroeconomics and "money and banking" are common in academic textbooks. These are also common topics of discussion among businesses and individuals. The media always has coverage that is somehow linked to money. Yet these definitions and discussions rarely explore the reality of what is commonly called money. Without precise definitions and an objective study of ‘true money,’ those who control the definition and exchange of money will exploit those who do not. Theft is the inevitable result. The facts and rigorous analysis of the concept of money presented herein can inform and undergird policy alternatives aimed at preventing such theft.

One may find passionate, thorough, and carefully reasoned discussions on a number of critical ideas in Know Stealing. Beginning with the important idea of money, Shane then considers the essential ideas of power, authority, production and more, as pieces of a grand puzzle. These concepts are grounded in biblical truth and an honest study of history, rather than the all-to-common intellectual fabrication of those formally trained in the study of economics or politics. At a minimum, this book will challenge the reader to clarify his or her understanding of these important concepts. At a maximum, this book will spark a passion which will motivate the reader to seek out and support policy alternatives aimed at preventing the current broad-scale theft arising from what is loosely called 'money' today. I strongly encourage you to - Know Stealing.

John Feezell, PhD.
Professor of Economics
School of Business
LeTourneau University

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