Friday, November 28, 2008

Oh, he's one of those

So I was talking to a friend this morning. I'll refer to him as John.

We talked about the money issue in the context of What else have we lost?. It turns out John and his girlfriend were talking about the same idea Thursday night. In our generation, John comes closer than anyone I know in working toward and desiring to preserve family as a community, much like the family units that built our nation.

As we talked, John mentioned a previous introduction he had to monetary issues and stories about the Federal Reserve and Jekyll Island. When John first heard about the subject from an acquaintance, John's initial response was "Oh, he's one of those".

Even so, John was intrigued enough to go and begin to do some research on his own. John discovered that what was being said about the Fed and money seemed to be true. However, he wasn't going to spend his time learning all about the Fed; after all, he has too much to do and we can't do anything about it anyway.

What does this brief conversation illustrate?

Let's think about the comments noted herein.

Oh, he's one of those...

Something, call it what you will, within our society teaches us to respond in a certain way to stories about money, the Federal Reserve and political power. We are taught to consider people who hold negative views about these subjects as crack-pots, whackos and fringe thinkers. Oh, he's one of those...

Remember, only a lie needs protection; the truth can stand on its own.

Some so-called "crack-pots" hold the view that the Federal Reserve System is a fraud. Why would a person holding such views come under ad hominem attacks, rather than having their positions responded to objectively? If their words and ideas are false, illustrate the error.

Don't call them names. Refute their arguments.

An honest scholarly analysis will reveal that arguments used in defense of a Keynesian economic model are absurd. Not only do economists, politicians and media types take these absurd arguments seriously, this is the system we labor under today.

When one points out objective flaws in the Keynesian model, the speaker's reward is marginalization and character assassination.

Think about what is happening.

Remember the $700 billion dollar bailout? Will that cause a wealth transfer? We all know it will. And the same thing happens incrementally everyday that we use costless fiat and fractional money. We have done this for nearly 100 years with our present central bank.

When inflating with costless money, the purpose of inflation is to use NEW MONEY to purchase REAL ASSETS at OLD PRICES, thereby causing a wealth transfer from the people who get the new money last, toward the people who get the new money first. - Shane Coley

How is it that we can see this pillaging so clearly, and yet when someone points it out and claims that the theft is intentional, we fall in line with the conditioners (which CS Lewis talked about in the 1940's) and say "Oh, he's one of those..."?

Our monetary system is Keynesian and Keynes wrote about the destructive effect of inflation at least as early as 1919.

Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some… Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.

The Economic Consequences of the Peace, John Maynard Keynes, 1919

I don't have time...

I agree that the typical citizen should not have to set aside large chunks of work time and family time and rest time to do exhaustive research about our monetary system, or any other issue for that matter. However, the reality today is that we will soon lose our remaining freedoms unless specific hidden knowledge is converted to common knowledge.

The protestant Bible points out in Hosea 4:6a My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

What citizens need to know about our monetary system is not complex; it is hidden. The truth about our monetary system has been intentionally hidden because the whole fraudulent game will end the day people understand they have been robbed, pillaged and used.

If the knowledge is not intentionally hidden and obscured, why didn't the Fed protest make the major news? Who is the media answering to?

We can't do anything about it anyway...

When John pointed out that we can't do anything about it anyway, my response to John was this: "Sure we can do something about it. We already have three times in the past."

John said: "But not here...?"

And I said: "Yes here. We have stopped the reauthorization of three central banks, which each began with twenty year charters. One existed before the constitution and two after."

John's response? He was optimistic! I could hear in his voice the belief that maybe there is something we can do about this problem after all.

What do we do?

As soon as possible, we need to abolish the Fed, return to private sound money and eliminate fractional reserve banking.

But today, every citizen needs to learn the truth and spread the knowledge. We are being robbed. Let's work together to tell all the people the truth and then see what happens next.

Don't be conditioned and brainwashed into the belief that the Fed is our savior, banks are innocent and greedy business people caused all our problems. Such propaganda is just simply not true.

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